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TAP Tremolo

[TAP Tremolo GUI as shown in Ardour]

The tremolo effect is probably one of the most ancient effects, originated in the earliest days of the history of studio recording. It lost some of its popularity over time (and with the emerge of more exciting digital effects), but you still hear this effect on newer recordings from time to time.

General information

Unique ID2144
I/O ports1 input / 1 output
CPU usage (44.1 kHz)1.4%
CPU usage (96 kHz)3.2%
Hard RT CapableYes
In-place operationSupported
run_adding() functionProvided

Usage tips

This plugin sounds good mainly on acoustic or electric guitar tracks, and should be used only occasionally. To create a "floating" effect, set the frequency value to 3-6 Hz. To create a more intensive effect, set it to 8-15 Hz (recommended mostly on electric guitar tracks). The depth should be probably set somewhere between 50% and 90%. If you feel that the overall loudness of the track decreases when this effect is applied, you can compensate this by setting the "Gain" control.

Summary of user controls

namemin. valuedefault valuemax. value
Frequency [Hz] 0 0 20
Depth [%] 0 0 100
Gain [dB] -70 0 20


The sine function is implemented via a sine table, which is computed when the host loads the plugin library. This sort of implementation was necessary because calling sinf() for every sample proved to be way too expensive -- that very call itself doubled the CPU usage.