Generating custom transactions via hooks in banks2ledger
This post provides tutorial coverage for a new feature I recently added (included in release 1.2.0) to banks2ledger, my solution for converting bank account CSV files to ledger transactions with probabilistic payment matching. You can read a thorough introduction to banks2ledger in this article.
Ever since I started using banks2ledger over two years ago as the workhorse that generates most of my personal accounting, one thing I have always missed is the ability to have certain “special” transactions output custom ledger entries. I imagined setting this up via some kind of user-defined templating mechanism. For example, when bookkeeping my salary income, I want to add tax-related information (gross income, income tax deduction) to the ledger entry based on the pay stub information provided by my employer. This means that each month, the corresponding “vanilla” entry generated by banks2ledger needs to be replaced with a hand-crafted one.
The solution to this problem is a recently implemented new feature called entry hooks, so named because the hooks are invoked on each generated ledger entry. The hooks are written in Clojure, just like banks2ledger itself. This mechanism provides high flexibility as all data concerning the ledger entry, as well as the full power of Clojure (and several helper functions in the code of banks2ledger) are available to the hook.
Let’s see how this works in detail, in the context of the example mentioned earlier. (Please note that all monetary figures below are illustrations only. I treat my actual salary as confidential information; you should, too.)
Entry hooks
Each hook has two parts: a predicate and a formatter. As the names imply, the predicate contains logic to decide whether the hook should activate for a particular transaction entry, in which case the formatter is invoked to generate the ledger entry output.
For each entry, banks2ledger will go through all registered hooks
and invoke their predicates one after another. In case a hook’s
predicate returns true
for an entry, no further hooks are probed –
that hook will be in charge of producing the entry output via its
formatter. This might be important to keep in mind if you have
multiple hooks. The logical predicates of all hooks must be disjunct;
in case there is an overlap, which hook will be chosen is undefined.
The hook predicate
Let’s consider the example mentioned above: I want a hook to activate on the bank account transaction of my salary arriving from my employer. This is how the “vanilla” output of that transaction looks:
2018/07/25 (TXN123456789) LÖN
Assets:Bank:Account SEK 29,290.00
The transaction looks this way because banks2ledger has
(correctly) inferred that, for transactions appearing on the bank
account Assets:Bank:Account
, a transaction with a description
containing the token LÖN
(“salary” in Swedish) should be paired with
the payee Income:Salary
If you know banks2ledger, this is nothing remarkable. The
important observation here is that we have a simple and reliable clue
to activate our hook: whenever the description of an entry contains
the token LÖN
, we are in business. Armed with this knowledge, here
is the predicate for our hook:
(defn salary-hook-predicate [entry]
(some #{"LÖN"} (tokenize (:descr entry))))
As you can see, salary-hook-predicate
takes an entry as its
argument. It looks up the value for key :descr
in this entry,
tokenizes that via tokenize
and returns a boolean depending on
whether the tokens contain "LÖN"
or not.
This is not complicated at all, but you might be wondering how you could have possibly come up with all this on your own, and you would be right. So here is what you need to know about the interface.
The hook interface
Both the hook predicate and formatter functions take a single argument that represents a ledger entry. This is a map, populated with some “well-known” (documented here) keys and their values. The following table shows the actual field values seen with the above example transaction.
Entry key | Value | Example value |
:date |
Date as a string | "2018/07/25" |
:ref |
Reference as a string, or nil |
"TXN123456789" |
:descr |
Description string | "LÖN" |
:account |
Account being processed | "Assets:Bank:Account" |
:counter-acc |
Inferred counter-account | "Income:Salary" |
:amount |
Amount as a string | "29,290.00" |
:currency |
Currency of the amount | "SEK" |
Note that the entry is produced at a point where banks2ledger has
already inferred the payee account (keyed :counter-acc
), so that is
also there for you to use.
To process this entry, hook functions can call certain useful functions defined in banks2ledger itself:
Function | Description |
amount-value |
Convert a string amount to a Double value |
format-value |
Format a double value to an amount string |
print-ledger-entry |
Print a ledger entry in standard textual form |
tokenize |
Turn a description string into a list of tokens |
The only function we used above is tokenize
; the others are
generally more useful to formatter functions. We will see them all in
the hook formatters below.
The hook formatter
Once there is a hook whose predicate returned true
for a given
entry, that entry will be passed to the formatter counterpart of the
hook. It is up to the formatter to produce whatever output is desired
for the transaction that matched the hook.
The formatter is free to use whatever means to print whatever output
it finds appropriate to *out*
. However, to ease the process of
producing canonically formatted ledger entries, it is recommended to
use the function print-ledger-entry
. This function takes an entry
map, extended with another key, :verifs
associated with a sequence
of so-called verifications, i.e., the individual lines of a ledger
transaction. Based on this, it will print a canonically formatted
ledger entry to *out*
. In summary, the easiest (and recommended) way
to implement a formatter is to come up with a list of verifications,
store that in the entry under the key :verifs
, and pass the
resulting entry to print-ledger-entry
So what are verifications? Each of them is a map, describing either a line of comment or an actual line where an account is optionally followed by amount and currency. All this is easiest understood through a simple example, so let’s take our earlier transaction (with an added comment):
2018/07/25 (TXN123456789) LÖN
; Vanilla salary transaction
Assets:Bank:Account SEK 29,290.00
How could we produce exactly this transaction output in our formatter? With a formatter that, at the end, does this:
(print-ledger-entry {:date "2018/07/25"
:ref "TXN123456789"
:descr "LÖN"
:verifs [{:comment "Vanilla salary transaction"}
{:account "Assets:Bank:Account"
:amount "29,290.00"
:currency "SEK"}
{:account "Income:Salary"}]})
Of course, the :date
, :ref
and :descr
is already there in the
entry received as the argument to the formatter (:ref
is optional);
you usually do not want to touch them. You just generate a list of
verifications and store it into the entry under the key :verifs
(For “vanilla” transactions, i.e., those not claimed by any installed
hook, this is done by the banks2ledger function
A simple (but useful) formatter
Now we are in a position to implement a formatter actually useful under real circumstances. Let’s say that, as stated above, we want to bookkeep tax information on our pay stub (gross salary and net deduction). This is how we would like our generated entry to look like:
2018/07/25 (TXN123456789) LÖN
; Pay stub data
Tax:2018:GrossIncome SEK -00,000.00
Tax:2018:IncomeTax SEK 0,000.00
; Distribution of net income
Assets:Bank:Account SEK 29,290.00
Income:Salary SEK -29,290.00
We will manually edit this and replace the zeroes with actual values based on our monthly pay stub. That is still work to do, but it is much less work, and thus less room for error. By having these tax-related legs on our entry, life will be very simple when annual tax declaration time rolls around.
Implementing this should not come as a great surprise:
(defn simple-salary-hook-formatter [entry]
(let [amount (:amount entry)
currency (:currency entry)
year (subs (:date entry) 0 4)
verifs [{:comment "Pay stub data"}
{:account (format "Tax:%s:GrossIncome" year)
:amount "-00,000.00"
:currency currency}
{:account (format "Tax:%s:IncomeTax" year)
:amount "0,000.00"
:currency currency}
{:account (format "Tax:%s:NetIncome" year)}
{:comment "Distribution of net income"}
{:account (:account entry)
:amount amount
:currency currency}
{:account "Income:Salary"
:amount (str "-" amount)
:currency currency}]]
(print-ledger-entry (conj entry [:verifs verifs]))))
Notice how the tax sub-accounts are auto-generated based on the
transaction year (computed as a substring of the date) so we don’t
have to update this year by year. Also note that we could have
replaced the hardcoded payee account "Income:Salary"
(:counter-acc entry)
to use the payee account inferred by
A more involved formatter
Now let’s take this a step further. Let’s try to compute and pre-fill the values for the gross salary and income tax deduction in our hook, so we have even less manual work to do. The numbers might not agree completely with what we see on our pay stub, but we will likely only need to perform small corrections.
To spice this up further, let’s assume that we are taking part in an employee stock purchase program (“SPP”) with our employer wherein a fixed percentage of our gross salary is deducted post-tax, from our net salary. This deduction is collected by the company on our behalf, used to periodically purchase company stocks for us. Let’s say that our rate of participation in this program is 5% of our gross salary.
This is what we would like to see generated when we run banks2ledger with our latest and greatest hook installed:
2018/07/25 (TXN123456789) LÖN
; Pay stub data
Tax:2018:GrossIncome SEK -38,500.00
Tax:2018:IncomeTax SEK 9,210.00
; Distribution of net income
Income:Salary SEK -29,290.00
Equity:SPP:Collect SEK 1,925.00
Assets:Bank:Account SEK 27,365.00
Again, the numbers we compute might not agree 100% with the reality of our pay stub, so we might need to manually adjust them, but it’s going to be pretty close. To implement this, we need to compute backwards from the actual amount received on our bank account. We also know our gross salary. Hence our solution:
(defn advanced-salary-hook-formatter [entry]
(let [gross-salary 38500.0
spp-contrib (round (* 0.05 gross-salary))
recv-amount (amount-value (:amount entry))
net-salary (+ recv-amount spp-contrib)
income-tax (- gross-salary net-salary)
currency (:currency entry)
year (subs (:date entry) 0 4)
verifs [{:comment "Pay stub data"}
{:account (format "Tax:%s:GrossIncome" year)
:amount (format-value (- gross-salary))
:currency currency}
{:account (format "Tax:%s:IncomeTax" year)
:amount (format-value income-tax)
:currency currency}
{:account (format "Tax:%s:NetIncome" year)}
{:comment "Distribution of net income"}
{:account "Income:Salary"
:amount (format-value (- net-salary))
:currency currency}
{:account "Equity:SPP:Collect"
:amount (format-value spp-contrib)
:currency currency}
{:account (:account entry)
:amount (:amount entry)
:currency currency}]]
(print-ledger-entry (conj entry [:verifs verifs]))))
As you can see, now we are using some of the helper functions provided
by banks2ledger summarized in the above table. We are converting
back and forth between formatted amount strings and double values so
we can do computations on them. You might wonder where the round
function came from, since it is neither standard Clojure nor
introduced above. In fact, it is a trivial function that takes and
returns a double, rounding its argument:
(defn round [x]
(double (Math/round x)))
As stated, the full power of Clojure is there to use – writing custom functions to use in your hook is definitely among the possibilities.
Registering the hook
Up to this point, I have discussed the code that implements the two
counterparts of a hook, the predicate and the formatter. To actually
register a hook with banks2ledger, you call the add-entry-hook
function with a map argument that defines the hook:
(add-entry-hook {:predicate salary-hook-predicate
:formatter advanced-salary-hook-formatter})
;; ... or use the simple variant above
The values in the map are constructed in this manner for clarity only; you are free to put the whole implementation directly in the closure stored for each key. I opted for stand-alone functions as shown above; I feel that this makes it easier to build and test the solution piecewise.
Ignoring transactions
If you have more than one account processed by banks2ledger, and you transfer amounts between them, then you have experienced the problem of duplicate transactions. This is only natural, since banks2ledger processes one account CSV at a time and thus cannot detect a duplicate that came from the other leg (the counter-account) of the same transfer.
Here, too, hooks can help. Basically, for one of the accounts, you
want to set up a hook that matches transactions that are transfers
to/from your other account. This is trivial, since banks2ledger
most probably already identifies the correct payee account. The only
issue is, you don’t actually want to generate any output from the
hook. Of course, you could create a dummy formatter that does not
actually print anything to *out*
, but there is a better way.
When registering a hook via add-entry-hook
, the :formatter
may be
set to nil
(or left out entirely, which has the exact same
effect). This will suppress output generation, essentially discarding
any transactions matched by the hook predicate.
So assuming that I have another account called Assets:Bank:Other
the following hook will take care of transfers between these accounts.
In other words, processing the CSV of both accounts and concatenating
the results to the main ledger will no longer result in duplicates for
these transfers.
(defn ignore-hook-predicate [entry]
(= (:counter-acc entry) "Assets:Bank:Other"))
(add-entry-hook {:predicate ignore-hook-predicate
:formatter nil})
This works really nice, but there is a small detail that might come to bite you: it might (very rarely) happen that the program will, erroneously, infer the ignored counter-account on an otherwise innocent (but perhaps unique) transaction, triggering the ignore hook. This will cause the transaction to be discarded without any trace. You will be left wondering why your account balances (as reported by ledger) do not match reality (as reported by your bank).
To protect against this possibility, I recommend having an ignore hunk that prints the original transaction, just as it would have appeared by default, but commented out. This way, it is easy to see that the transaction is in fact a duplicate (it should be next to its pair, once you do the merge-sort of all account outputs to your main ledger file). If it is, just remove it by hand.
The code to create a hook that “comments out” matching entries is fairly simple:
(defn commented-entry-formatter [entry]
(let [orig-out
(print-ledger-entry (add-default-verifications entry)))]
(print (clojure.string/replace orig-out #"([^\n]+\n)" "# $1"))))
(add-entry-hook {:predicate ignore-hook-predicate
:formatter commented-entry-formatter})
Putting it all together
At this point you might be wondering just how all the bits and pieces
fit together. This is actually quite simple. Just create a file to
contain the entry hooks (and any supporting functions) you write. I
save this file with the name hooks.clj
and store it besides my
in the same git repository, as I feel that this
configuration is part of my ledger data. You might find another
arrangement that is more convenient to you.
At any rate, when calling banks2ledger for the account you want to
use the hooks on, just pass the full filename to banks2ledger via
the -hf
(hooks file) option.
For your reference, here you can see the full file containing the example above.